WELCOME to the website of Steve Andrews. Also known by the names The Green Bard, Bard of Ely, and Green Beard, Steve is an iconic figure who has featured in books, on radio and television, and also in film. He is, in his own right, a talented musician, a popular writer, a lifelong environmental activist, a sometime television presenter, a fine poet, a Britain’s Got Talent feature act, and a champion fighting against climate change, the destruction of trees, and plastic pollution. His power animal is the butterfly, several species of which Steve rears and nurtures in his spare time. Steve is based in the UK and Portugal, but has fans all over the world.

Songs Of The Now And Then
We’ve all seen the news of dead and dying whales, and the alarming amounts of plastic pollution washing up on beaches or floating on the tides. The oceans are in very great danger for many reasons, and it is not just plastic waste, which is bad enough. Overfishing, acidification, coral bleaching, nuclear waste, seabed mining, military testing, and climate change, are taking a very heavy toll on marine creatures of all types, from tiny plankton to the massive whales. The eponymous Dead Zones are aptly named. Many marine creatures are in danger of extinction.
Life on this planet depends on healthy oceans. We depend on healthy oceans. This book takes a look at the threats to marine life, and what is being done to save the seas. It is a call to action to save Mother Ocean.
The author explains how he became personally motivated to do what he could. As a singer and songwriter he wrote songs and came up with the idea for Ocean Aid concerts. Now he has written this book. He hopes to inspire you to think about what you can do. We all need to help save the seas.
Herbs of the Northern Shaman
Herbs that can be used to affect the mental state of the consumer, as well as for their healing properties, have been a part of cultures and subcultures all around the world ever since our early ancestors first started experimenting to find out what various plants could be used for. Author Steve Andrews takes the view that the best herbs for use by shamans are the ones that grow locally. Now in its second edition, and with full colour photographic illustrations, Herbs of the Northern Shaman is unique because it focuses only on those species that can be found growing within the northern countries of the world.
Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets
Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets combines herbalism with astrology and explains how the ancient herbalists like Culpeper assigned specific herbs to planetary rulers. Various characteristics were used to decide what planet ruled particular herbs. There are seven divisions for herbs of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, each containing seven herbs. This book will be essential reading for herbalists and gardeners, and will also appeal to those with a general interest in the occult and astrology.
Herbs of the Southern Shaman
Following on from the popular Herbs of the Northern Shaman, this latest collection, Herbs of the Southern Shaman, describes psychoactive herbs that grow in the southern hemisphere. Written primarily for herbalists, witches and pagans, occultists, healers, therapists, botanists and gardeners, and featuring a bibliography and glossary, it serves as a reference book for anyone interested in shamanism and herbs. 'Concise, knowledgeable, clearly and distinctly written...can be enjoyed on many levels: as a reference book, a spiritual guide, a horticultural manual, or simply for entertainment.' C.J. Stone, author and journalist.
My upcoming book Nature Boy
“Nature Boy is my story of growing up with a fascination for the natural world, and experiences along the way. It reveals how I became a naturalist and why I think a connection with nature and an understanding of our part in it is what is so often missing in the world today.”